Following analysis of all shares tendered for exchange, Deutsche Börse AG has determined a final acceptance ratio for the Exchange Offer of HLDCO123 PLC (HoldCo) of 89.04%.
On June 1, 2016, HoldCo has published its voluntary public takeover offer in the form of an exchange offer to the shareholders of Deutsche Börse for acquiring all registered no-par-value shares in Deutsche Börse AG. The additional acceptance period ended on August 12, 2016.
Carsten Kengeter, Deutsche Börse
Carsten Kengeter, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Börse, said:
I would like to thank our shareholders for their clear support of this merger. We will now focus on achieving the necessary regulatory and anti-trust approvals. This merger will create a globally competitive market infrastructure group benefitting our customers, shareholders and the wider economy.”
The transaction is still subject to a number of closing conditions, including merger control clearance by the EU Commission as well as approval by financial, securities and other regulatory authorities.