Xignite, Inc., a San Francisco headquartered provider of cloud-based financial data Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) announced today the ability to license the company’s Market Data Cloud platform.
The Xignite Market Data Cloud is a cloud-based market data distribution solution that helps exchanges and financial data vendors distribute their data via massively scalable APIs from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud.
In FX, Xignite offers a suite called ‘XigniteGlobalCurrencies’ with a real time and historical FX rates API. Their forex rates API offers real time and historical quotes for currency exchange rates by providing support for more than 170 currencies and over 29,000 currencies pairs.
The solution allows market data to remain stored in the cloud and be consumed only when, and, as needed. The Xignite solution enables exchanges, data vendors, index companies and other data originators in the $26 billion market data space to quickly upgrade or replace legacy distribution technology, while drastically reducing their infrastructure costs. Customers can deploy and independently operate the Xignite platform in their own cloud environments.
Today, most real-time and reference data is distributed via proprietary terminals, such as the Bloomberg Professional, legacy data feeds, such as those offered by Thomson Reuters, or flat files over FTP. These legacy approaches are infrastructure-heavy and require firms to replicate the market data inside their data centers at great expense. The solution helps customers such financial institutions and fintech companies innovate while drastically reducing their infrastructure costs.
Stephane Dubois
CEO and Founder, Xignite Inc.
Stephane Dubois, CEO and founder of Xignite said:
In a few years, most enterprise applications will have migrated to the cloud and billions of devices consuming such data will also be operating off the cloud. If your data is not in the cloud by 2020, your business will probably not survive.
Xignite is the pioneer of market data in the cloud, introducing its first pure-pay commercial REST API in 2003 and its first AWS-powered API in 2008. The firm serves more than 1 trillion API requests per year and usage is growing by more than 300% year on year.
The Market Data Cloud supports:
- Delivery of data via cloud-based REST APIs (CloudAPIs), HTTP streaming to end-user devices (CloudStreaming), HTML5 widgets (CloudWidgets), cloud-based files delivered to AWS S3 accounts (CloudFiles), and market event alerts (CloudAlerts).
- Instruments in every financial asset class (equities, ETFs, mutual funds, fixed income, FX, futures, options and other derivatives)
- Delivery of real-time data, historical time series data, fundamental data, tick data and reference data from global markets.
Xignite is headquartered in San Francisco with offices also in New York and London.