Moscow Exchange (MOEX) has announced that from December 1, 2016 starts charging the transaction fee for Flood Control errors.
The fee is designed to stimulate the appropriate use of the Exchange’s IT infrastructure and to increase the quality of service to the market participants. Flood Control errors occur when capacity of the derivatives platform login is exceeded. Market participant can buy any number of capacity units. Each capacity allows 30 transactions per second for the login. Transactions sent over the login performance are automatically rejected by the trading system.
The description of the fee calculation methodology, informing and charging procedures are available on the Moscow Exchange’s website.
The first charge might happen on the 7th of December (for the 5th of December) due to the following features of charging:
- The fee is charged with a 2 days delay;
- On the first 2 days when the fee is above minimum charge level the fee is not charged.