ASIC has today released a consultation paper proposing to consolidate and clarify Australia’s market integrity rules.
There are currently 14 market integrity rule books that set out obligations and prohibitions applying to activities and conduct on eight licensed financial markets. Collectively, these rule books amount to more than 1,300 pages of regulation, and a further five regulatory guides set out guidance on ASIC’s approach to regulating these markets.
In preparation for a detailed review of the market integrity rules, ASIC proposes to consolidate 13 of the 14 market integrity rule books into four, covering the:
- ASX, Chi-X, IR Plus, NSXA, and SSX securities markets, and competition between securities markets
- ASX 24 and FEX futures markets, and competition between futures markets
- capital requirements for ASX, Chi-X, SSX and NSXA securities markets, and
- capital requirements for ASX 24 and FEX futures markets.
Cathie Armour
Commissioner Cathie Armour said:
Consolidating the market integrity rules continues ASIC’s focus on reducing red tape and will create a single point of reference for market integrity rules that are common between like markets. It will also streamline the review and consideration of substantive amendments to the market integrity rules in the future.
In consolidating the rules, ASIC also proposes to clarify existing obligations for:
- management requirements and responsible executives
dealing ‘as principal’ - block trades and large portfolio trades
- disclosures to wholesale clients about derivatives market contracts, and
- record-keeping requirements for market operators.