DarcMatter is the FinTech company that has just announced that it is now developing a blockchain distributed ledger to continue to provide enhanced transparency, security and trust to the alternative investment industry and the global financial market.
While there has been a great deal of development in the alternative fund space, there are still a lot of tasks that require manual attention from investors. Additionally, many tasks require the participation of numerous intermediaries to provide the compliance, security and transparency necessary for investors to connect with non-public alternative fund opportunities. DarcMatter solves the problem of trust in the industry and is now taking its fintech platform to the next level by incorporating a blockchain based distributed ledger that continues to remove opacity and inefficiencies from the alternative global investment industry.
DarcMatter currently provides a user-friendly platform that connects funds managers actively raising capital with individuals or institutional investors around the world to access and execute documents, and compliantly invest into alternative fund products. With a laser focus on building/creating tech solutions to increase transparency and create time/cost efficiency.
DarcMatter’s platform is now incorporating blockchain-based solutions to provide its users with:
- Tokenization: The DarcMatter token is utilized to unlock and to consummate the smart contracts for the investment completion in the DarcMatter decentralized Infrastructure. By tokenizing an antiquated system, DarcMatter’s token will create huge efficiencies and scalability for
the industry. - Tachyon ISC™ Distributed Ledger: The DarcMatter ledger allows all parties involved for completion of an alternative fund investment (any distribution intermediary, fund reporting entity, fund manager and/or investor), to concurrently and seamlessly be able to view the current and historical transaction record in full and executed through smart contracts.
- Permissioned Blockchain: Is one specific type of private blockchain. While
having all the benefits of a blockchain, it also permits for the level of discretion and privacy that is often required for the world of alternative funds and investments in general.
Additionally, blockchain implementation into the alternative fund industry will have much broader implications and capabilities including seamless cross border investment capabilities, documentation tracking for multi-consensus and logging, and additional asset classes being seamlessly distributed through the entire investor vertical.
Over the last three decades, the alternative industry has matured to become an integral part of the financial system and the global economy”, said Sang H. Lee, DarcMatter’s Co-Founder and CEO. “As the importance of alternative funds continues to grow, the need for further transparency, security and compliance will also increase, which can be effectively provided through the blockchain and the DarcMatter coin.