Nicolas Salles was appointed to the position by the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on 10 January 2019 where he will be in charge of optimizing the management of data assets and will also be the key coordinator and facilitator of the AMF’s data governance platform. He will report directly to Philippe Guillot, a member of the organization’s Executive Committee. This decision was motivated by the increased regulatory reporting measures implemented by the AMF that have resulted in the regulator receiving more data in recent years.
Nicolas Salles, AMF
Salles launched his career as a business intelligence expert in 2001 by working with firms to create and improve projects related to business intelligence.
He joined PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 2006 as a consultant before rising to become a Manager. It was in this position where he dealt with data governance and regulatory projects for financial institutions.
Nicolas Salles then moved to AXA Investment Managers in 2010 where he worked in three successive positions as Head of Data repository, then as Head of the Data Coordination and Governance Office, before serving as Head of Data Solutions. These roles gave Salles the opportunity to take part in defining enterprise-wide Data Strategies and to participate in AXA’s strategic projects related to information management.
Salles graduated from the École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Léonard-de-Vinci (ESILV).
The AMF also recently appointed Philippe Sourlas to the position of Managing Director in charge of the Asset Management Directorate.