October 26, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Australia regulator ASIC warns against cold calling impersonators of... ASIC

Australia's financial regulator ASIC has issued an interesting pronouncement, warning consumers to be wary of cold callers claiming to represent ASIC itself. Apparently, there are a group of cold callers calling Australian consumers posing as ASIC personnel, and asking for their targets' personal and financial details. ASIC is warning consumers that these calls are a…

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October 23, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

James Bond and the British Pound - which Bond had it best?

On the lighter side of FX trading, we're pleased to present an interesting analysis put out by international money transfer firm FXcompared.com with this weekend's release of the latest James Bond flick SPECTRE. James Bond has always traveled the globe fighting villains and he’s always extremely well equipped with gadgets while staying at some of the world's best…

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October 22, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Dukascopy plans launch of Daily News Portal

LeapRate has learned that Switzerland-based retail forex broker Dukascopy is planning to launch a Daily News portal, and has put out formal notices looking to hire an Editor to head the new effort. Dukascopy has long differentiated itself with media. The main floor of the company's Geneva headquarters is virtually entirely dedicated to a state-of-the-art…

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October 21, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

A content focused marketing strategy for brokers

The following guest post is courtesy of Bart Burggraaf, Managing Director and Partner, MediaGroup London. — For years brokers and banks have relied on research and commentary as a tool to get clients to trade more and earn their trust. In the internet era, that quickly evolved to fulfil acquisition purposes as well. Financial services…

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