October 13, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

ACM Gold has its FSB South Africa license reinstated - LeapRate Exclusive

LeapRate Exclusive... LeapRate has learned that ACM Gold, one of South Africa's leading retail forex brokers, has had its license reinstated by South African financial regulator, the Financial Services Board (FSB). LeapRate was first to report that ACM had its FSB license suspended to 'provisionally withdrawn' by South African financial regulator the Financial Services Board (FSB) back on August…

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October 12, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

An insider's view of Australia's pending trade reporting legislation from AxiTrader - LeapRate Exclusive

A lot of information (and misinformation) has been circulating lately regarding pending legislation in Australia, which will require both large and small financial institutions to report all derivatives trades - reporting which will also cover most of the retail forex brokers in the country. The implementation of the Australia OTC derivatives reform act has been moved…

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October 11, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Top Bitcoin Myths - #1: Bitcoin is a tool for criminals to purchase drugs, launder money, and finance terrorism

The following guest post is one of a series courtesy of Marco Streng, CEO and Co-founder of Genesis Mining. – Myth 1: Because Bitcoin is anonymous it is a tool for criminals to purchase drugs, launder money, and finance terrorism. Since the first days of Bitcoin the press and other commentators (who should know better) have continually tied Bitcoin to…

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October 10, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Canadian regulator OSC issues warnings against binary options operators TNT Options and EveryOption

Canada’s leading securities regulator, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), has continued its recent crusade against unregulated binary options brokers. The OSC has issued two new warnings against Romania-based Market City International SRL which operates as TNT Options (or tntoptions.com), as well as UK-based Rich Ventures Ltd. operating as EveryOption (or everyoption.com). Interestingly, on its website EveryOption states that…

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October 08, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Plus500 shareholders now betting that acquisition by Playtech might not go ahead - LeapRate Exclusive

LeapRate Exclusive... A legendary stock market investor of the early 1900s, Jesse Livermore, once said that the market is always right. Well if Livermore was correct, then it appears as if 'the market' is beginning to bet against Playtech's acquisition of Plus500 Ltd (LON:PLUS) actually closing. Since mid July when Plus500 shareholders approved the acquisition of the company by…

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