October 07, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Scottrade sends letter to clients affected by hacker breach

After close of US markets on Tuesday, US retail online broker and banking firm Scottrade began sending out letters to clients which were affected by the recently-disclosed hack of Scottrade's systems. As we reported last week, Scottrade was recently informed by US federal investigators that hackers had successfully accessed their systems, gaining access to certain information…

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October 03, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Online trading hacks continue, Scottrade admits to client info breach

Online trading and banking giant Scottrade has admitted that hackers successfully accessed their systems, gaining access to certain information on up to 4.6 million clients. The information accessed apparently includes just client names and street addresses. More sensitive data such as Social Security numbers and email addresses were not compromised. Scottrade is one of the US's largest…

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October 01, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

OANDA admits to platform outage caused by 'internal network issue'

Retail Forex broker OANDA has admitted on its Twitter feed to a 'platform issue' which occurred at around 4:00pm GMT Thursday, leaving a number of OANDA clients unable to access their accounts or effect trades. Given that earlier in the day OANDA rival FXCM Inc (NYSE:FXCM) openly admitted that its systems had been successfully hacked,…

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