September 25, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

London Capital Group shares drop 20% following 1H report

While we wrote earlier that the first half 2015 report from LCG should be read in the context of a 'startup' which has seen heavy investment over the 8+ months since the company was taken over by Charles-Henri Sabet and his team, the stock market sure didn't show a lot of patience or understanding. London Capital…

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September 23, 2015 BY LeapRate Staff

Canadian regulator OSC warns against Algo Capitals Limited

Canada’s leading securities regulator, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), has issued a warning against UK-based Algo Capitals Limited, operating as AlgoCapitals via website According to the OSC warning, AlgoCapitals is not registered in Ontario, Canada to engage in the business of trading in securities or advising anyone with respect to investing in, buying or selling…

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