June 11, 2014 BY Mike Fox

Largest indy Mexican broker GBM connects with Raptor to manage FIX Connectivity Services

Raptor Trading Systems, a provider of multi-asset connectivity management and trading solutions for the global financial community, announces that GBM Casa de Bolsa, the largest independent Mexican Broker and Investment Firm listed on the BMV (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores), has successfully implemented and deployed Raptor’s connectivity platform and services which includes an FX Enterprise Gateway.…

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June 11, 2014 BY Mike Fox

Moscow Exchange Selects FINCAD to support its OTC derivatives

FINCAD, the leading provider of OTC derivatives pricing and risk management solutions, today announced that the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) has chosen FINCAD’s F3 Platform to support its OTC derivatives trading and clearing services. MOEX offers currency derivatives on a number of assets including the USD/RUB and EUR/RUB exchange rate. F3 Platform provides MOEX the coverage,…

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June 10, 2014 BY Mike Fox

FCA finalises rules to improve the protection of client money and custody assets

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today finalized changes to the client money and custody assets (client assets) rules. These changes affect approximately 1,500 FCA regulated firms that carry out investment business, from the largest investment banks to the smallest investment advisor, who collectively hold over £100bn of client money and £10tn of custody assets.…

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June 10, 2014 BY Mike Fox

Russia's CRFIN blacklists Forex-Deposit and Costa Rica's Rockwell Partners

CRFIN Press Release Translated from Russian to English Forex Deposit (www.forex-deposit.com) and Rockwell Partnerts SA (www.rockwell-partners.com) have been included in the blacklist of TSRFIN, Russian FX self regulatory organization. Both websites promise customers implausible and / or a guaranteed rates of return, the websites also offer substantial bonuses to attract customers who do not have sufficient transparency in terms…

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