Category: Digital Currency

January 15, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

A world's first - the Digital Asset Vault

Vontobel, a Swiss investment bank, has designed the first Digital Asset Vault, or in simpler words - the first regulated cryptocurrency custody solution. Wealth managers, asset managers and banks will now be able to transact with their clients' money, i.e. deposit, buy and sell cryptocurrencies in a new end-to-end Digital Asset Vault. According to the…

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Bankenverband,cryptocurrency,digital currency
January 14, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Nexus and TradAir open up additional channels of crypto liquidity for platform users

Broctagon NEXUS, a liquidity provider specializing in crypto aggregation, has just announced that it has teamed up with trading technology solutions provider TradAir. The partnership will make it possible to have FX-style, deep multilateral ECN liquidity for cryptocurrencies and will also open up new trading platforms for NEXUS users, allowing them to utilize TradAir’s HTML5 cryptocurrency native trading…

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forex vs cryptocurrency trading
January 08, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

The cryptocurrency market - green all the way

In the beginning of the week, on Monday 7th, 2019, most of the top cryptocurrencies by market cap are seeing their prices go up. The gains, while moderate, have been seen in the last 24 hours. Bitcoin surpassed the $4,000 level. At the time of this writing, the price of the "people's currency" is $4,029,…

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January 02, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

2019 - a good start for the crypto market so far

If 2017 was the "cryptocurrency heaven", 2018 was the "hell". The prices of Bitcoin went from $20,000 per coin in December 2017, to $3,500 in December 2018. Now, the community is wondering what 2019 will bring to the cryptocurrency market, especially when crypto "enthusiasts" like Mike Novogratz are predicting strong bullish trends and cosmic cryptocurrency…

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Ormeus Cash teams up with COTI to launch 'Trustless' POS system
December 27, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

Ormeus Cash teams up with COTI to launch 'trustless' POS system

Ormeus Cash (OMC), an asset-backed virtual currency with a stable transactional price, has just announced its partnership with technology company COTI.  The companies announced a new "trustless" point of sale (POS) system, enabling merchants worldwide to accept cryptocurrency payments for goods and services. Merchants hesitated to add crypto POS systems to their businesses due to high fees…

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Digital Asset Custody Company announces secure custody solution for Monero
December 26, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

Around 90% of all Monero is already mined

White the total supply of Monero is estimated to be mined by 2022, over 90% of the cryptocurrency is already mined. The information comes from Moneroblocks, which states that as of December 20th, 16.6 million of the privacy-focused coins are already mined, and the rest 1.8 million will be mined in 3 years. The major…

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December 20, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

Venezuelan pensions converted to Petro without consent

The Venezuelan government recently introduced a state-backed digital coin, called Petro. The country has been facing economic downturn and the Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, introduced the oil-backed digital coin to fight the dying economy. Back in the summer of 2018, the situation in Venezuela was so critical that people had to line with days for food…

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