Category: Digital Currency

August 29, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

You can now store your Bitcoin into synthetic DNA

Carverr, a Swiss startup, is taking the cryptocurrency industry into a whole other place. Investors are now able to use synthetic DNA to store their Bitcoin, all thanks to the revolutionary work of Carverr. The company has started a platform that essentially enables investors to convert their cryptocurrencies and the private keys into DNA, which…

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August 28, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

Why is Canada postponing the cryptocurrency regulation?

Canada has decided to put off the cryptocurrency regulations, which were due this autumn. They were supposed to publish the regulations in the Canada Gazette, but that will not happen until some time in 2019. Canada is one of those countries that cannot be categorised as "pro" or "against" cryptocurrencies. Essentially, since the country is…

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August 28, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

Iran is ready with the state-backed cryptocurrency draft

Iran is one of those countries that arguably is going to launch its own cryptocurrency very soon. After Venezuela made the Petro. a digital coin, its official currency, some other countries seem to be ready to launch their own digital money. According to media, the President of Iran, Mr. Hassan Rouhani stated that the cryptocurrency "plan"…

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August 22, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

This European Bank is launching its own cryptocurrency

The first licensed bank to launch its own cryptocurrency is the European Union Bank AG. Based in Liechtenstein, the bank is setting out to disrupt how financial institutions think of altcoins, as it will be launching its very own digital currency. As reported by AMB Crypto, the Bank commented on their decision to launch a…

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August 16, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

Venezuela - no water, no food, but with the Petro - the oil-backed official cryptocurrency

Venezuela is struggling very hard at the moment, experiencing both economic and political meltdowns. Amidst a crisis that is "living" among Venezuelans in so many ways, including their daily and social lives, the Venezuelan government has introduced its second official cryptocurrency, in addition to the bolivar fuerte, the petro - an oil-backed cryptocurrency. While Venezuela…

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August 15, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

The Caribbean Islands with state-owned digital coin

Bitt Inc. is a fintech company based in the Caribbean Islands, in Barbados, that uses blockchain to aid P2P payments via mobile applications. The company has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank in the Caribbean Islands or CBCS (Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten) for the development of a government-owned…

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August 09, 2018 BY Mariela Naydenova

South Asia's position on cryptocurrencies

Vietnam is one of those countries that stands firmly against cryptocurrencies, judging by their legal actions. Country officials are currently pushing for more regulations to be introduced for cryptocurrency trading and transactions. Thailand is in the same position as Vietnam. The two countries are anti-crypto and officials are looking for ways to prevent businesses from…

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