Category: Digital Currency

October 18, 2017 BY Mariela Naydenova

Ethereum ETNs Attract $10MM+ AUM in first week on Nasdaq

Ether Tracker One and Ether Tracker Euro just crossed $10MM in assets under management (AUM) a week after beginning trading on Nasdaq Stockholm. “When the group’s bitcoin ETNs – which are now at $330MM in AUM - launched in 2015, it took one year to attract the initial $10MM in AUM. The Ether Trackers achieved…

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VTFinTech deploys Parity One on OpenFin’s operating system
October 17, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

CFTC’s LabCFTC releases Primer on Virtual Currencies

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s LabCFTC has today released, “A CFTC Primer on Virtual Currencies.” This primer is the first of a series that LabCFTC will release to provide fundamental, and essential, information about financial technology (FinTech) innovation. LabCFTC believes that promoting education, understanding, and regulatory clarity around emerging technologies can help facilitate market-enhancing innovation…

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Bitcoin Cash hard fork: What to expect?
October 06, 2017 BY Mariela Naydenova

Ethereum Hard Fork - The Upgrade

With cryptocurrencies becoming more popular and maturing in the investment world in thousands of portfolios, industries and innovations, all of  them at some point must go through an upgrade. For Ethereum, this upgrade will happen on October 17th, and what is known as "hard fork" will come to life. For many investors, the difference between…

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October 02, 2017 BY Mariela Naydenova

emCash - Dubai's First Domestic Digital Currency

Dubai is yet another "big player" to join the cryptocurrency craze with its launch of its first ever state cryptocurrency - the emCash. According to Arabian Business Magazine, people will be able to pay for various government and non-government services in Dubai with emCash. The name of emCash comes from the the subsidiary of Dubai…

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