Category: Cryptocurrency

bitcoin perception
March 27, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Alphavend installs second bitcoin ATM in London

Bitcoin ATM specialist, AlphaVend just announced the installation of its second London ATM, (the third nationally) strategically situated between Euston and Kings Cross underground stations. The UK’s independent high street provider of foreign exchange services will play host to the ATM which is located at the No1 Currency store, 128 Euston Road. Customers can buy…

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March 01, 2017 BY LeapRate Staff

Former UBS and SAP Global CIO Oliver Bussmann to head new Swiss blockchain association CVA

This morning the Crypto Valley Association (or CVA) was launched in Zug, Switzerland to accelerate the development, deployment, and funding of blockchain technology. CVA is a major, government-backed institution for blockchain with several major blue chip members, a plethora of disruptive startups, and globally recognized leadership. The CVA will be led by renown blockchain guru,…

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February 24, 2017 BY LeapRate Staff

A History of Major Bitcoin Crashes

This article was written by Usman Ahmed at Investoo Group, which provides expert products for the financial trading industry. Bitcoin is definitely the most famous cryptocurrency created and held online. Satoshi Nakamoto - a gifted programmer- is considered to be the main inventor of Bitcoin. Difference between Bitcoins & Paper Currencies The main distinction between…

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