Category: Financial Services

Deutsche Börse revenues
March 02, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Turnover at Deutsche Börse’s cash markets at €109.0 billion in February

Order book turnover on Xetra, Börse Frankfurt and Tradegate Exchange across all asset classes stood at €109.0 billion in February (February 2016: €130.7 billion), Deutsche Börse announced today. Of the €109.0 billion, €97.8 billion were attributable to Xetra (February 2016: €120.7 billion). The average daily turnover on Xetra stood at €4.9 billion in February (February…

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Moscow Exchange MOEX
March 02, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Moscow Exchange releases solid 2016 financial results with record fees

Moscow Exchange (MOEX) announced its financial results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended 31 December 2016. The Exchange delivered solid financial results driven by record fees and commission income from its Derivatives, Fixed Income and Money Markets. Key Financial Highlights for 2016 Operating income declined 5.3% YoY to RUB…

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March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

EEX doubles volume in agricultural products in February

In February 2017, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) reached a volume of 200.8 TWh on its power derivatives markets (February 2016: 300.3 TWh). In a shrinking overall market, EEX reached a volume of 22.1 TWh in Italy (previous year: 44.0 TWh) and 12.3 TWh in France (previous year: 32.6 TWh). Furthermore, 151.0 TWh were traded…

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March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

ASIC issues new guidance for registered liquidators

ASIC just announced that has released new Regulatory Guide 258 Registered liquidators: Registration, disciplinary actions and insurance requirements. RG 258 explains: how to apply for registration as a liquidator, including the requirements a person must meet to become a registered liquidator; the renewal of registration process; the disciplinary and other actions that a registered liquidator…

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STOXX Low Carbon products licensed to Italian bank IMI
March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

STOXX changes composition of benchmark indices

STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business, and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, today announced the new composition of STOXX Benchmarks and their sub and sector indices, among them the STOXX Europe 600 Index, STOXX North America 600 Index and STOXX Asia/Pacific 600 Index. Effective as of the…

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TFX volumes
March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

TFX Click 365 Japan FX volumes down 24% in February

Continuing the decline we have already seen in February forex volumes from leading institutional eFX venues Hotspot FX, FastMatch and GTX, the Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX) just announced that the total trading volume of FX Daily Futures contracts (Click 365) in February was 2,402,878 ( - 24.2% MoM / - 46.2% YoY) and its average…

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March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

SFC to standardise rules for prescribing professional investors

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today launched a consultation on proposed amendments to the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules (PI Rules) to allow joint accounts with non-associates and assets held in investment vehicles owned by individuals to be counted in ascertaining whether individuals meet the monetary threshold to qualify as professional investors. In…

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Deutsche Börse
March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

Deutsche Börse launches new SME segment “Scale”

Deutsche Börse successfully launched its new segment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) named Scale. As of the start of trading 46 equities and corporate bonds had listed on Scale and further issuers are expected in the next few days, based on applications already received. To mark the launch of the new segment, Christine Bortenlänger…

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March 01, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

FCA warns against Loan2Pocket clone firm

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has put out details of the cloned firm Loan2Pocket. Fraudsters are using the details of firms, authorised by the FCA, to try to convince people that they work for a genuine, authorised firm. Fraudsters are using or giving out the following details as part of their tactics to scam…

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