Category: Regulations

March 17, 2021 BY Steffy Bogdanova

ASIC implements ten-year ban for Forex CT director

ASIC began civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against Forex CT and Shlomo Yoshai on 16 July 2020, after discovering that the sole director’s lack of respect for compliance justified a ban for a significant period of time. Yoshai has now been given a ten- year ban after behaviour on Forex CT’s trading floor…

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FMA warning
March 15, 2021 BY Steffy Bogdanova

FMA warns against, Cornucopia and others Website: Phone: + 91 97642 16796 The FMA warned that the website is contacting individuals via private messages and are falsely claiming to be authorised and licensed by the FMA. The website is in fact not associated with or authorised by the NZ incorporated company, Carrick Just Capital Markets Limited Trading As CJC…

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March 12, 2021 BY Steffy Bogdanova

ASIC places additional licence conditions on AxiCorp

AxiCorp’s licence also requires the company to provide ASIC with attestation from a senior executive within the firm. They must confirm that they are satisfied that AxiCorp has undertaken all necessary remedial actions and that it has in place adequate compliance measures to ensure that it and its representatives comply with financial services laws. If…

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ESMA expresses concerns over social media driven share trading
February 18, 2021 BY Steffy Bogdanova

ESMA expresses concerns over social media driven share trading

ESMA’s statement is part of investor protection objective to safeguard retail investors, whose participation is key to the development of the Capital Markets Union. ESMA stated: ESMA urges retail investors to be careful when taking investment decisions based exclusively on information from social media and other unregulated online platforms, if they cannot verify the reliability…

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FMA warning
February 05, 2021 BY Steffy Bogdanova

Steiner Greves, and others added to FMA warning list Websites: Emails: [email protected] The FMA warned that the website is not associated to or authorised by the UK registered company Winn Group Ltd and is falsely purporting to be so. has been taking unauthorized payments from investors’ accounts. Wendav Limited (Wendav) Websites: Emails: [email protected] The FMA was advised that investments with…

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BaFin warns about the paradigm shift following Brexit
December 30, 2020 BY Steffy Bogdanova

BaFin warns about the paradigm shift following Brexit

The new agreement will take effect on provisional basis on 1 January 2021. The agreement is expected to be approved by the European Council by the end of the year and its provisional applications are to apply until 28 February 2021. The European Parliament needs to make final decision on the final application of the…

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December 16, 2020 BY Steffy Bogdanova

FXCM to continue European operations with CySEC licence

A subsidiary of Jefferies Financial Group, the FXCM group has a pan-European operation. Currently, the brokerage conducts its services in the European Union with its FCA licence. However, the validity of that licence inside Europe may be questionable in case of a no-deal Brexit. FXCM is still operating im Europe under its UK licence but…

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FMA warning
November 25, 2020 BY Steffy Bogdanova

Winn Group Ltd, and others added to FMA warning list

YuanPay Group Associates names: YuanPay Group International SA, Yuan Payments Group International SA Website: and The FMA stated YuanPay Group has been advertising their trading services in Chinese digital Yuan with fake news articles featuring a New Zealand celebrity. In addition, the digital yuan product is not available for trading.None of YuanPay Group…

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