The Samsung Coin – not related to Samsung

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The cryptocurrency world works in a strange way. Back in 2016 and 2017, it didn’t matter if your company was actually involved in blockchain. Only one thing mattered for you to succeed – your company should contain the name “blockchain”. And then your share price skyrockets. And then..the 2017 crypto winter came.

Fast forward to 2019, companies and individuals have started using the idea of combining the name of a strong corporate and adding the digital coin “flavor”. The most recent news of such a case is the Samsung Coin.

On July 10th, Kim Nam-jin applied for a special trademark on the name “Samsung Coin” with (KIPO) or the the Korean Intellectual Property Office. Nam-jin is trying to win the trademark for the name in both English and its Korean spelling in Hangul.

According to a news report from Coindesk, however, a representative of Samsung said that Kim Nam-jin is actually in no way connected to the Korean tech giant.

An interesting fact is that Kim Nam-jin has tried more than once to apply for a trademark that combines a well-known Korean tech giant name and a cryptocurrency-related term such as a “coin”.

According to the news report from Coindesk, the categories under which the trademark is listed are the following: electronic encryption device, downloadable electronic money computer program, e-money card, etc. The term blockchain apparently does not exist in the trademark application, as reported by Max Boddy from Coindesk.

More about Samsung and blockchain can be found here:

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