The infamous failed ICO of Telegram has sparked controversy in the cryptocurrency industry and how the SEC is involved in regulating the sector. As LeapRate recently reported, after the SEC rejected the GRAM crypto and demanded to see how the raised funds were used by the company, Telegram actually hesitated to give such information to the US regulatory watchdog. Now, there is another news making headlines – Telegram is being used by North Korean hackers to steal cryptocurrencies.
The information comes from the Independent, which quoted that hackers have developed a brand new way to steal cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin using Telegram.
The hackers in question are none other but the famous Lazarus Group, probably the most high-profile digital hackers in the world. According to cyber security specialists in the Kaspersky Labs in Moscow have commented that the Group has developed new “enhanced capabilities” to target their victims – a variety of organisations and private individuals around the world.
The operation is called Operation AppleJeus and has been ongoing since 2018. The victims are located in China, Russia, Poland and the UK.
How the hackers lure their victims is by setting up fake trading groups on the messaging app Telegram or by creating fake crypto websites. For now, as per the Independent, Telegram has not responded with a comment regarding the allegations.
After the target is hooked into the website or the group, malicious links infest their devices and hackers extract the user data in an easy way.
Cryptocurrencies have been a saving grace for North Korea, especially since the US-North Korea tension escalated. As LeapRate recently reported, the UN claimed that North Korea is behind cyber attacks that amount to roughly $2 billion. The funds are allegedly going for weapons buying program.