Euronext FX volumes up 19% MoM in January


Euronext, the pan-European exchange in the Eurozone, today announced trading volumes for January 2020.

LeapRate reminds that Euronext acquired Oslo Børs VPS last year, therefore the below information includes all Oslo activity from July 2019.

Euronext FastMatch (now Euronext FX) released $398 billion volume (up 19% MoM from December’s $333 billion), considering the 22 trading days last month. FastMatch’s volumes however, managed to drop 9% from more than $441 billion for the same period last year.

Cash market monthly activity details can be seen in the tables below:

European Cash Market Monthly Activity
Jan-20 Dec-19 Jan-19 YTD 2020 YTD 2019
Nb trading days 22 20 22 22 22
NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS (Buy and sells) (reported trades included)
Jan-20 Dec-19 Change %
Jan-19 Change % YOY YTD 2020 YTD 2019 Change %
Total Cash Market 1 45,361,822 35,756,012 26.9% 42,236,774 7.4% 45,361,822 42,236,774 7.4%
ADV Cash Market 1 2,061,901 1,787,801 15.3% 1,919,853 7.4% 2,061,901 1,919,853 7.4%
TRANSACTION VALUE ( € million – Single counted)
Eur million Jan-20 Dec-19 Change %
Jan-19 Change % YOY YTD 2020 YTD 2019 Change %
Total Cash Market 1 191,384.9 167,061.5 14.6% 168,622.2 13.5% 191,384.9 168,622.2 13.5%
ADV Cash Market 1 8,699.3 8,353.1 4.1% 7,664.6 13.5% 8,699.3 7,664.6 13.5%
Number of Issuers on Equities Jan-20 Dec-19 Change %
Jan-19 Change % YOY December 2019 Change %
EURONEXT 2 1,461 1,465 -0.3% 1,257 16.2% 1465 -0.3%
SMEs 1,026 1,008 1.8% 931 10.2% 1008 1.8%
Number of Listed Securities
Bonds 47,847 47,544 0.6% 40,302 18.7% 47,544 0.6%
ETFs 1,240 1,240 0.0% 1,172 5.8% 1,240 0.0%
Funds 6,202 6,190 0.2% 5,215 18.9% 6,190 0.2%
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market
(mln of €) Jan-20 Dec-19 Change %
Jan-19 Change % YOY YTD 2020 YTD 2019 Change %
Nb New Listings 2 4 2 2 2
Money Raised New Listings
incl over allotment
0 8  – 12  – 0 12  –
of which Money Raised New Listings 0 8  – 12  – 0 12  –
Follow-ons on Equities 2,331 3,639 -35.9% 3,352 -30.5% 2,331 3,352 -30.5%
Bonds 94,320 92,580 1.9% 100,954 -6.6% 94,320 100,954 -6.6%
Total Money Raised 3 96,651 96,227 0.4% 104,319 -7.4% 96,651 104,319 -7.4%
of which SMEs
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market
(mln of €) Jan-20 Dec-19 Change %
Jan-19 Change % YOY YTD 2020 YTD 2019 Change %
Nb New Listings 1 3 2 1 2
Money Raised New Listings
incl over allotment
0 8  – 12  – 0 12  –
of which Money Raised New Listings 0 8  – 12  – 0 12  –
Follow-ons on Equities 169 1,012 -83.3% 307 -44.9% 169 307 -44.9%
Bonds 375 75 400.0% 30 1150.0% 375 30 1150.0%
Total Money Raised 3 544 1,095 -50.3% 349 55.8% 544 349 55.8%
1 Shares, warrants, ETFs, bonds…
2 Euronext, Euronext Growth and Euronext Access
3 Included New Listings incl over allotment, Follow-ons on Equities, Corporate Bonds on Euronext Listed Issuers
4 Since February 2019, those figures include Euronext Access to fully reflect the listing dynamics on Euronext markets. Are considered as SMEs companies with a market cap on Jan 1st or on 1st day of Listing below €1bn.    Comparable data has been restated
R : Revised

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