SGX welcomes Clearbridge Health Limited to Catalist

SGX announces trading volumes

Singapore Exchange (SGX) announced that it has welcomed Clearbridge Health Limited to its Catalist under the stock code “1H3”.

Clearbridge Health Limited is a healthcare company focused on the delivery of precision medicine in Asia. It aims to empower clinicians and healthcare professionals to make more reliable and accurate diagnoses, provide insights to disease management, and tailor personalised prevention and timely treatment programmes for patients. Its diversified product offering caters to different segments of the medical industry, from scientists involved in research and development, to medical practitioners in the medical clinics/centres.

Jeremy Yee, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Clearbridge, said:

As we mark a new chapter in our history with this listing, we are confident of the huge potential for greater adoption of precision medicine in Singapore and around the region. Healthcare is integral to life today with global healthcare spending projected to grow from US$7 trillion in 2015 to US$8.7 trillion by 2020. We believe that precision medicine is the future of healthcare. We are grateful for the strong support from the investment community and we hope that our listing will serve as a strategic springboard for Clearbridge Health to grow our brand, scale and presence across Asia.

Mohamed Nasser Ismail, Head of Equity Capital Market (SME) and Head of Capital Market Development at SGX, commented:

We are delighted to welcome Clearbridge Health Limited to SGX Catalist. Its listing is timely with the expected increase in demand for healthcare in Asia, in line with an ageing population, greater life expectancy and rising incomes. Through this listing, investors can have the opportunity to tap into the sector’s regional growth prospects, particularly as the medical industry continues to embrace technological innovation.

With a market capitalisation of about S$134.7 million, the listing of Clearbridge Health Limited brings the total number of healthcare companies listed on SGX to 35, with a combined market capitalisation of more than S$55 billion. The total number of companies listed on Catalist rises to 199, with a combined market capitalisation of over S$12 billion.

Clearbridge Health Limited opened at S$0.28 today.

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