TFX announces low results in October trading volumes report

TFX-Click 365 volume down 32% MoM in February

Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX) just released its trading volumes report for the month of October 2017 and looks like the company also saw a weak trading month.

The trading volume of Three-month Euroyen futures was 105,742 ( – 18.4% MoM / – 21.1% YoY ) and its average daily volume was 5,035.

項目 October   2017
Trading Volume Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Total of Interest Rate Futures contracts 105,742 5,035 -18.4% -21.1%
Three-month Euroyen futures 105,742 5,035 -18.4% -21.1%
Six-month Euroyen LIBOR futures 0 0
Options on Three-month Euroyen futures 0 0
Put 0 0
Call 0 0

The total trading volume of FX Daily Futures contracts (Click 365) was 2,171,407 ( – 16.2% MoM / – 35.2% YoY ) and its average daily trading volume was 102,005.

(Top 10 items in the current month)
October   2017
Trading Volume 一Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Click 365 2,171,407 102,005 -16.2% -35.2%
U.S. Dollar-Japanese Yen 706,885 32,131 -22.8% -39.2%
Turkish Lira -Japanese Yen 390,696 17,759 10.1% 98.3%
South African Rand-Japanese Yen 314,973 14,317 20.7% -9.8%
British Pound-Japanese Yen 165,003 7,500 -17.2% -66.3%
Australian Dollar-Japanese Yen 121,616 5,528 -37.9% -59.1%
Euro-Japanese Yen 119,810 5,446 -32.6% -27.1%
New Zealand Dollar-Japanese Yen 106,716 4,851 -9.2% -43.1%
Euro-U.S. Dollar 64,222 2,919 -40.0% -55.9%
Australian Dollar-U.S. Dollar 35,559 1,616 8.7% 25.5%
British Pound-U.S. Dollar 33,296 1,513 -40.6% -75.2%
Other Currency pairs 112,631 8,425 -35.4% -42.8%

The total trading volume of Equity Index Daily Futures contracts (Click kabu 365) was 936,410 ( + 54.2% MoM / + 192.0% YoY ) and its average daily trading volume was 42,642.

Items October   2017
Trading Volume Daily Average Change on Previous Month Year on Year Change
Click kabu 365 936,410 42,642 54.2% 192.0%
Nikkei 225 Daily Futures contract 614,997 27,954 39.8% 218.0%
DJIA Daily Futures contract 290,357 13,198 114.0% 153.1%
DAX® Daily Futures contract 17,200 860 14.8% 191.5%
FTSE 100 Daily Futures contract 13,856 630 -16.2% 108.9%

Combined trading volume for all TFX products was 3,213,559 ( – 3.5% MoM / – 15.6% YoY ) and its average daily trading volume was 149,682.

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