The Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) has informed the public that it has just launched one of the #GPW2022 strategic initiatives, named GPW Growth.
GPW Growth is a comprehensive programme, supporting small and mid-sized companies based on identified needs of enterprises. GPW Growth is addressed to CEOs, Board Members and Directors responsible for the achievement of their companies’ key objectives.
Raising capital is a genuine revolution for any company. Every company needs competences in building value. GPW Growth will provide participants with expertise, skills, as well as a network of business contacts, which are useful in raising capital and in management focused on building investor value. This is our key initiative under the strategy #GPW2022,” said Marek Dietl, President of the Management Board of GPW.
GPW Growth will offer among others networking meetings with business experts and practitioners, workshops, case studies, one-on-one interviews, as well as international study visits.
GPW Growth will also provide expertise in practical aspects of corporate operations. As a part of the programme, the GPW Growth Academy will open in September 2019. Academy participants will exchange management experience with recognised business experts, access their expertise, and implement existing solutions in their companies.
Izabela Olszewska, Member of the GPW Management Board, commented:
Development, Growth Capital, Relations, and Leadership are the four topics underlying the GPW Growth Academy. The programme will offer networking meetings accompanying thematic sessions. The programme includes among others workshops in financing of innovative projects provided jointly with the Ministry of Entrepreneurship & Technology; after-hours meetups with the Polish Development Fund combined with a visit to the Central House of Technology established by the PFR Foundation; and an international study visit planned in 2020.
GPW Growth includes over 120 hours of meetings and talks where business practice takes precedence over theory. The Academy is open until June 2020. Training participants will receive Ready for Growth certificates on graduation.