ATFX Connect Achieves Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

Provided By ATFX

ATFX Connect, the institutional arm of ATFX, has successfully obtained the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, underscoring its dedication to a secure IT infrastructure and stringent cybersecurity measures.

Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK government-backed certification that requires an independent, hands-on technical assessment to verify an organization’s cyber defences against common threats such as malware, phishing, and hacking attempts. Administered by IASME, it represents a higher level of security assurance compared to the standard Cyber Essentials.

Issued by Bulletproof and verified by IASME, this certification signifies that ATFX Connect’s cyber defences were rigorously tested and met industry standards against commodity-based cyber threats. The assessment process evaluated key security measures, including firewall configurations, access controls, malware protection, and system patching, ensuring compliance with best practices in cybersecurity.

For institutional clients, cybersecurity is critical to trust and operational integrity. Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus demonstrates ATFX Connect’s commitment to protecting client data, mitigating cyber risks, and maintaining a secure trading infrastructure.

In the competitive landscape of institutional trading, robust cybersecurity measures are a key differentiator. ATFX Connect’s attainment of the Cyber Essentials Plus certification not only meets industry standards but also sets it apart from competitors, showcasing its proactive approach to safeguarding client interests.

As cybersecurity threats evolve, ATFX Connect remains dedicated to enhancing its security framework, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and providing a resilient and secure platform for institutional clients.

About ATFX Connect

Back in 2019, ATFX stepped into the Institutional arena with the launch of its Multi-Access platform ATFX Connect. The management’s vision was to expand the broker’s global presence and continue to provide award-winning liquidity and customer service to clients within the Institutional community. With the focus on the professional Investor, the ATFX Connect platform is designed to provide an efficient automated trading venue that delivers tailored liquidity solutions to Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, Brokers, Private Banks, and other financial institutions.

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