Belize IFSC issues warning notice regarding Mindreframing Ltd.

Belize FX regulation

Belize financial regulator IFSC has issued a Warning Notice regarding a company called Mindreframing Ltd.

The full text of the IFSC warning reads as follows:

Office of the International Financial Services Commission,
Sir Edney Cain Building,
Belize, C.A.

31 August 2017


Mindreframing Ltd.

It is hereby notified for general information that Mindreframing Ltd. with its registered office at 1257 Barrier Reef Crescent, Vista Del Mar Ladyville, Belize District, Belize, C.A., is no longer licensed by the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC) for Formation or management of international business companies or other offshore entities or to engage in any other International Financial Services.

All persons concerned are warned to take note and exercise extreme caution.

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