New Zealand FMA warns against Kingsman Investment Limited

fma scam alert

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has just issued a warning against a scam company called Kingsman Investment Limited.

Kingsman Investment Limited

Entity name: Kingsman Investment Limited
Address: Level 15, Sang Woo Building, 227-228 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 580 330 86
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Reason for warning:

The FMA recommends exercising caution before dealing with Kingsman as it:

  • has been cold calling to New Zealand residents;
  • is not licensed or regulated to provide financial services in New Zealand;
  • is not listed on the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong’s public register of licensed persons and registered institutions; and
  • has the hallmarks of a scam.

The official warning can be seen here.

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