The Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) brokerage house announced that it has launched the MetaTrader 5 platform for its clients. As an active Broker Clearing Member of the DGCX, JRG International has consistently been giving access to the DGCX’s products covering Currencies, Equities, Precious Metals and Hydrocarbons.
JRG International Brokerage DMCC has over 30 years investment expertise inherited from parent companies JRG Securities LTD (listed on the Indian Stock Exchange) and Apple Multi Asset DMCC (AMA). In October 2017, Apple Multi Asset DMCC (AMA) officially acquired a 100% equity stake in JRG International.
The purchase completes the blueprint to connect India, China and Europe through a strategic central point as part of the Belt and Road Initiative. JRG International is currently one of the fastest growing brokerage houses in the U.A.E. The company is licensed by Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority (ESCA) and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC).
Mr Jiguang Yu and Mr Weihua Sheng, Directors of JRG International Brokerage DMCC
Our efforts are focused upon empowering traders to trade on the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange using state-of-the-art technology and trading tools,” commented Mr Jiguang Yu, CEO of AMA and Director of JRG International. “Our acquisition of JRG and the introduction of the MetaTrader 5 Platform will help us to serve our customers better and also extend our services to multi-asset trading communities around the world.
We welcome the expansion of Apple Multi Asset DMCC and we are pleased to see that they recognize the role which JRG International has played in being a staunch supporter of the DGCX,” Mr Les Male added, CEO of DGCX. “Further implementation of MetaTrader 5 will enable greater connectivity and speed for both themselves and their clients.
The association with AMA and the launch of the MetaTrader 5 platform will place JRG International at a vantage point and will enable them to reach out to new traders,” concluded Mr Gaies Chreis, Chief Operating Officer of MetaQuotes Software Corp. “We believe that MetaTrader 5 will dovetail with the existing core competencies within the company allowing a true powerhouse to emerge.