The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that Robert Evans III has been named Chief of the Office of International Corporate Finance in the agency’s Division of Corporation Finance. The office spearheads the division’s outreach to non-U.S. issuers that access the U.S. capital markets. Mr. Evans recently joined the Division of Corporation Finance after many years of advising public and private companies on a broad range of matters.
Robert Evans III
SEC Chairman Jay Clayton noted that “Rob’s appointment reflects the importance of facilitating capital formation in the United States for non-U.S. issuers and increasing investment opportunities for America’s investors.”
I am pleased that Rob will focus his efforts at the agency on working with companies from outside the U.S. that are considering registering offerings in the U.S. and listing on U.S. stock exchanges,” Corporation Finance Division Director Bill Hinman said. “I look forward to working with him as we support Chairman Clayton’s goal of facilitating a broader range of investment opportunities for Main Street investors.
Mr. Evans added:
I thank Bill for this exciting opportunity and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Division on this effort to engage with companies and regulators around the world.
Mr. Evans received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and law degree from Boston University School of Law, both cum laude.