CLS Group’s trading volumes up 8% MoM in September

CLS Group trading volumes

CLS Group, the market infrastructure provider of risk mitigation services to the global FX market, has published its operating metrics for the month of September 2018.

The average daily traded volume submitted to CLS was USD 1.729 trillion up 7.7 percent from USD1.605 trillion in August 2018.

Last month the company announced that Chief Executive Officer David Puth has decided to step down after leading the company since 2012.



Average daily traded volume submitted to CLS by product (USD trillion)*

Sept 2017 Aug 2018 Sept 2018
Swap 1.137 1.097 1.199
Spot 0.510 0.425 0.447
Forward 0.102 0.083 0.083
Total average daily traded volume submitted to CLS (USD trillion) 1.750 1.605 1.729

* Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout the document may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the exact figures.

From January 2017, CLS altered the reporting methodology for the FX data it makes available on a monthly basis. The data provided is based on executed trade volumes submitted to CLS. It is adjusted to equate to the same reporting convention used by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the foreign exchange committees’ semi-annual FX volume surveys. These surveys only report one side of any trade, and only one of the four legs of FX swap trades, to avoid double counting the total amount of trades.

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