Moscow Exchange (MOEX) has announced that it starts offering OTC transactions in the Euro/US Dollar currency pair based on its infrastructure and FX Market interfaces. The technological solution for access to global liquidity providers is going to be delivered by Integral. The British Pound/US Dollar currency pair was just added yesterday.
National Clearing Center (NCC), a part of the Moscow Exchange Group, clears and settles transactions as the central counterparty.
Igor Marich, MOEX
Igor Marich, Managing Director of the Money and Derivatives Markets at Moscow Exchange, said:
Our efforts are aimed at providing clients with access to global FX liquidity while allowing them to keep our regular infrastructure interfaces, the benefits and comfort of the central counterparty and our low costs. The new service will improve the quality of the market and facilitate opportunities for our participants. In the future we plan to add additional FX instruments to this program.