Following its recent acquisition of risk management solutions provider ThinkLiquidity, brokerage solutions provider IS Prime has announced the launch of a new product called PredatorWatch, out of its newly minted division IS Risk Analytics (ISRA).
ISRA’s PredatorWatch is meant to help brokers to identify toxic clients before or shortly after they trade.
PredatorWatch uses ISRA’s wide client footprint to develop and maintain an extensive database of IP addresses and trading characteristics to isolate and neutralise previously identified toxic strategies before they do significant damage. With real-time email triggers and alerting tools, clients can be informed about potential toxic flow and be advised by ISRA on how best to protect their business from abusive trading practices.
Jeff Wilkins, ISRA
Jeff Wilkins, Managing Director of ISRA explains,
The ability to identify toxic clients has been a successful feature in our full suite of risk management services, resulting in a strong ROI.
We have decided to release it as a separate stand-alone service to help brokers and liquidity providers to avoid significant losses from clients who are manipulating the market. This is an ongoing issue – just recently a number of brokers and liquidity providers suffered significant losses from GBP/NZD activity. ISRA can play a key role in helping our clients to combat such predatory behaviour.
ISRA says that PredatorWatch is a simple service to activate, with ISRA setting up all database connections and email alerts on behalf of its clients.