Mauritius-registered Forex broker Alpari International Limited has announced pending changes to the terms for fix.mt4 and pro.mt4 accounts, to be implemented on December 21, 2015.
As part of these changes:
- fix.mt4 accounts will become standard.mt4 accounts;
- pro.mt4 accounts will become ecn.mt4 accounts.
Also, the server name for both account types will change. After the trading terminal has been updated, Alpari-Trade will be displayed. Traders will still be able to connect to the old server names, although when selecting them, they will be automatically redirected to the new server.
In addition, there will be changes to the margin requirements for both accounts. As part of these changes, the fixed leverage will become floating. More information about margin requirements can be found here.
There is a set of changes to affect standard.mt4 (current fix.mt4) accounts only. These changes include:
- All current instruments in the platform will receive the suffix “_i”.
- Spreads will be floating.
- Quote accuracy will be increased, as quotes for all instruments other than those containing JPY or RUB will consist of five decimal places instead of four. JPY and RUB quote accuracy will be increased from two to three decimal places.
You can view the official announcement from Alpari International by clicking here.