CySEC regulated binary options brand anyoption is proud to announce today its 2016 social responsibility program in support of the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
As part of anyoption’s humanitarian mission, the binary brokerage launched their social responsibility program with a $20,000 donation to UNICEF, to help children.
The company stated it is exploring potential additional activities with UNICEF to further enhance the success of this collaboration and to achieve results for children. anyoption’s aim is to develop a plan that will rapidly mobilize awareness-raising and fundraising for UNICEF in emergency humanitarian and disaster-relief situations.
UNICEF has a long history of promoting the rights, and developing the lives of children in 190 nations around the world. From giving emergency aid to children after World War II to battling serious diseases – UNICEF has been working on the behalf of children for 70 years.