Correction re Alpari volumes and growth

Figures reported were for Alpari Russia only, not entire Alpari Group.

Our article Monday entitled Alpari volumes drop to $85 billion covering Alpari’s press conference and press release regarding some of its 2012 figures reported that the numbers discussed — specifically $85 billion in monthly trading volume — were for the entire Alpari group. Alpari management has clarified for us that these figures were actually just for Alpari Russia, and that overall Alpari volumes now top $200 billion per month — making Alpari one of the top ten retail FX firms worldwide.

As such, Alpari volumes have actually increased by more than 20% since they last reported volumes back in 2010 at about $160 billion per month. And, contrary to what we wrote, Alpari certainly should be doing well financially at those volume levels.

For more on the global Forex industry see the LeapRate-Dow Jones Forex Industry Report.




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