During the first half of 2016, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) Group continued its growth course, significantly increasing both its sales and result in comparison to the first half of 2015.
Sales revenue and result (EEX Group)
The EEX Group sales revenue rose by 34% to a total of EUR 117.5 million (1st half of 2015: EUR 87.8 million). In the first half of the year, earnings before taxes (EBT) were EUR 45.8 million as against EUR 79.7 million during the reference period in 2015. However, after adjustment for special effects from the full consolidation of EPEX SPOT in 2015, the operating result has grown by 53% (1st half of 2015: EUR 29.9 million).
Iris Weidinger, EEX
Iris Weidinger, Chief Financial Officer of EEX, commented:
“We have generated growth in almost all fields of business. The significant volume increase on the Power Derivatives Market in particular has contributed to this positive development. In addition, economies of scale have had a positive effect on profits on this market. These economies of scale are due to the fact that our existing infrastructure can also cover bigger volumes without any additional investments.”
Power Derivatives Market (EEX)
The Power Derivatives Market accounted for the biggest contribution to revenue in the first half of the year. Transaction revenue in this segment rose by 58% to EUR 44.7 million in the first half of 2016 (1st half of 2015: EUR 28.2 million) with the sales contributions of the biggest markets – Germany (EUR 30.4 million, + 47%), Italy (EUR 6.6 million, + 64%), France (EUR 5.6 million, + 83%) and Spain (EUR 0.8 million, + 428%) – growing significantly.
Power Spot Market (EPEX SPOT)
The transaction revenue generated on the Power Spot Markets in the first half of 2016 was EUR 33.5 million as against EUR 29.3 million in the previous year rising by 14%. This increase is due, in particular, to the integration of the new market areas comprising the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom, which were transferred to EPEX SPOT in May 2015 following the APX takeover.
For the detailed report, click here.