The Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange was reconstituted today. The members of the Exchange Council unanimously elected Lars Hille, member of the Executive Board of DZ Bank, as the new Chairman. Matthias Zieschang, Executive Board member at Fraport AG, will remain as Deputy Chairman.
Lars Hille replaces Lutz Raettig, who has been a member of the Exchange Council since 2001, and Chairman since 2002.
Carsten Kengeter
Carsten Kengeter, CEO of Deutsche Börse AG, commented:
As Chairman of the Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Lutz Raettig has made a major contribution to the further development of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. He played a major role in financial centre Frankfurt gaining the international recognition it has today. We are very grateful for his commitment of many years. We look forward to continuing to work with him and Mr Hille, and wish Mr Hille every success in his new position.
Christine Bortenlänger, Executive Member of the Board at Deutsches Aktieninstitut, and Professor Peter Gomber, who holds the Chair of e-Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Frankfurt, were re-elected to the Exchange Council as investor representatives.
The Exchange Council of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has 18 members who were elected for a term of three years on 1 December 2016. The Exchange Council is an important controlling and supervisory body of a stock exchange. Primary duties include appointing and monitoring the stock exchange management as well as issuing exchange regulations, the fee scale as well as the terms and conditions for exchange transactions.