FastMatch ECN to release daily trading volume

FXCM (NYSE:FXCM) hast today announced that FastMatch, the company’s joint venture FX ECN which was established in 2012 in conjunction with Credit Suisse, has launched today a new web site, publishing daily trading volume in real-time. The FastMatch website introduces “the tape” to the FX spot and metals markets on its new web site.

Dmitri Galinov, CEO at FastMatch

Dmitri Galinov, CEO at FastMatch

For the first time ever, the public can see all trades executed on the FastMatch platform. While the concept of “the tape” is standard in other asset classes such as equities and futures, in the FX spot industry this is something that has not existed for the public. The website will also provide insight to the top currency pairs by region with total volume associated to each pair.

FastMatch currently runs three independent matching engines globally in New York (NY4), London (LD4) and Tokyo (TY3). Each matching engine acts as separate ECNs and will emit their own market data, trades, and midpoint values. FastMatch’s matching system offers customers both a unique and diverse pool of liquidity, with low latency with transparency.

To see daily volumes and read more about FastMatch, click here.


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