SIX Securities Services and the banking company Clearstream have announced their intention to enter into a partnership to provide services to the Swiss and European markets. In the months to come they will work on the exact details of the partnership and intend to launch in the beginning of 2017. The partnership comes in the context of a post-trade ecosystem undergoing change on an unprecedented scale. This new market environment – and the cost increase for market infrastructures and their clients coming with it – calls for innovative service solutions and greater focus on economies of scale.
Jeffrey Tessler, Deutsche Börse
- Partnership between Switzerland’s CSD and the Luxembourg-based ICSD
- Regulation and increased pressure on costs require innovative solutions
Jeffrey Tessler, Clearstream Chair and member of the executive board of Deutsche Börse, said:
We are delighted to announce our strategic partnership with SIX Securities Services. This is the latest milestone in a joint project tasked to identify mutually beneficial strategic opportunities on core international and domestic business. The cooperation is intended to improve the client offering as well as our respective market positioning.”
Thomas Zeeb, CEO, Division Securities Services, commented:
Though discussions are still at an early stage, I am convinced that both SIX Securities Services and Clearstream have a number of complementary and mutually beneficial opportunities to explore together.”