Tag: Bitcoin exchange

April 23, 2014 BY Andrew Saks-McLeod

Bitcoin heads for mainstream venues as Atlas ATS partners with National Stock Exchange

With the dreams of many investors wishing to circumvent the traditional financial markets system by trading Bitcoin on virtual exchanges severely damaged, Bitcoin venues partnering with established stock exchanges may restore the faith. Despite the nerve-wracking journey which Bitcoin has taken recently, America's virtual currency advocates are making almost daily progression toward integrating it into…

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April 14, 2014 BY Andrew Saks-McLeod

Hollywood executives look to buy MtGox out of bankruptcy as bitcoin price falls below $400

Uncertainty has followed last year's soaring values and unprecedented demand in the aftermath of MtGox demise, with BTC values falling below $400 for the first time since last November. Would reviving MtGox be a very risky business? It is common practice in most industry sectors for large, stable companies which operate within a particular business segment…

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April 09, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

First Mexican Bitcoin Exchange Debuts

The platform is currently a standard exchange service between bitcoins and Mexican Pesos. Bitcoin Magazine™ reports that Bitso, the only platform on which to exchange bitcoins for Mexican Pesos is going live today. Interested parties will be able to register at bitso.com. The company emphasizes that its platform has been designed with ease of use and power…

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