Tag: Bitcoin

February 28, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Its official - Mt Gox files for bankruptcy

The saga has ended - 750,000 BTC ($420 million) of customers' funds have been stolen from the company in the beginning of February According to a press conference that has been held in Tokyo, as of today it is finally official – Mt Gox has filed for bankruptcy protection. According to a CNBC report the…

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February 26, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Bitcoin prices recover after post Mt Gox slide

Mt Gox closure sent prices on other exchanges down 25% to low $400's, now back around $600 Recent developments in the crypto currencies world have been of a substantially disruptive nature and there is no doubt that confidence has been shattered all over the place as the formerly leading Japanese exchange Mt Gox has finally…

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February 21, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Bitcoin prices on Mt Gox briefly drop below the $100 mark

Post Silk Road closure rebound levels are the new normal… at least on the Japanese exchange Yesterday’s vague statement by Mt Gox that has fully discouraged Bitcoin traders on the Japanese exchange has triggered somewhat of a capitulation on the Bitcoin market. Prices have tanked just above post Silk Road closure levels around $91.50 and…

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February 20, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Hopes for Bitcoin withdrawals from Mt Gox dashed to pieces

Bitcoin prices on the Japanese exchange are diving to $140 as the promised update by Thursday is delayed We hope that you haven’t been amongst those unfortunate souls that were waiting for the promised announcement of Mt Gox related to the suspended withdrawals from the exchange. Unfortunately the news aren’t any good. The company has…

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February 17, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Bitcoin prices on Mt Gox rebound more than 60%

Prices soaring since the company has issued a press release detailing a solution to recent problems It has taken Mt Gox a bit more than 6 hours to complete their fix implementation of a workaround to the “transaction malleability” issue, but we have a winner now and those might be the customers at the exchange.…

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February 15, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Bitcoin prices diverge massively between different exchanges

Mt Gox announces maintenance, price almost drops to $300 Panicky behavior of Bitcoin investors is wreaking havoc across the market, especially at Mt Gox. According to current data provided by Bitcoincharts.com price divergence between Mt Gox and BitStamp is close to 85%. For every Bitcoin you are holding at Mt Gox you could get (assuming…

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January 28, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Leading Nordic forex bank rejects Bitcoin business on moral grounds

The news comes only a day after already ex-vice chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation was charged for money laundering conspiracy We have become accustomed to the speed at which action is shifting in the world of cryptocurrencies and specifically Bitcoin. It may come to you as no surprise that Bloomberg BusinessWeek has reported today that…

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January 26, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

Brokerage ConvergEx says Bitcoin prices are stabilizing

JPMorgan's CEO Jamie Dimon trash talks the digital currency citing rather old media stories It almost seems as if the days when we saw gargantuan moves in Bitcoin prices are long gone now. The market has settled down after the Chinese Bitcoin downfall in December and it has also recovered rather steadily from that too.…

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January 23, 2014 BY Gerald Segal

LMAX introduces trading in virtual currency Ven

Unlike Bitcoin, Ven’s price depends on a basket of currencies, commodities and carbon futures UK’s FCA regulated LMAX Exchange has announced its introducing trading for an alternative digital currency named Ven starting today according to a blog post on the Wall Street Journal’s website. This virtual currency has been introduced all the way back in…

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