May 16, 2017 BY admin

BTIG adds Gareth Thomas as director of eFX platform, TradeSave FX

BTIG, LLC announced today that Gareth Thomas has joined the firm’s Forex Trading Group. Based in New York, Mr. Thomas will drive the development of BTIG’s electronic foreign exchange platform, TradeSave FX, a low-touch technology for advanced direct market access. “Gareth joins us following a distinguished career within foreign exchange trading,” said Anton LeRoy, COO…

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August 25, 2014 BY Mike Fox

Weekly Forex Look Back

Last Week’s Forex Look Back! (Highlights from the Week of Aug 18th - 24th) Exclusive: FXTG new owner, LMAX liquidity and Stavro D’Amore as CEO | https://www.leaprate.com/DLg0E Interactive Brokers to launch Traders’ Marketplace for FX participants | https://www.leaprate.com/ZaOjm Alpari UK Warns of Unauthorized Clone Websites | https://www.leaprate.com/SfHYx BTIG LLC Chicago-based team opens new FX trading…

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