Tag: CySEC

November 22, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws AMFF Ltd’s CIF licence

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has announced that it has decided to withdraw the CIF licence of a company named AMFF Ltd. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission announces that, on its meeting of 8th November 2019, has decided, pursuant to section 8(1)(a) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2017 and…

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November 15, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws Fidelisco Capital Markets Ltd’s CIF licence

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has announced that it has decided to withdraw the CIF licence of a company named Fidelisco Capital Markets Ltd. The regulator shared that, at its meeting of 8th November 2019, has decided, pursuant to section 8(1)(a) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2017 and section 4(7)…

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September 30, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova


The Cyprus regulator CySEC has announced earlier today that it has decided to withdraw the CIF licence of a company named AGENTRISK EUROPE LIMITED. CySEC has withdrawn the Cyprus Investment Firm authorisation with Number 354/17 of AGENTRISK EUROPE LIMITED Ltd, due to the Company’s decision to expressly renounce it. The official announcement can be seen…

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cysec cif licence suspension
September 26, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC warns against binomo.com website

Active week for CySEC... the regulator has just made another announcement on its official website, this time regarding the website binomo.com. According to the Cyprus watchdog, the above-mentioned website does not belong to any authorized entity in the area. The regulator has once again urged investors to first consult its official website, before conducting any…

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cysec license suspended
September 25, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws MPS Marketplace Securities Ltd' CIF licence

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has announced yesterday that it has decided to withdraw the CIF licence of a company named MPS Marketplace Securities Ltd. The licence is suspended in whole as there are suspicions of an alleged violation of section 10 of the Law and the section 93(1) of the Regulation. According to the regulator,…

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September 19, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws AIFLNP authorisations of Quantelion Fund Ltd and MESSINA FUND VCIC LTD

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has made a new announcement today regarding the withdrawal of the AIFLNP authorisation of two companies. The latest additions to CySEC's list are Quantelion Fund Ltd and MESSINA FUND VCIC LTD. Quantelion Fund Ltd’s authorization is with number LPAIF88/2014 and MESSINA FUND VCIC LTD's authorization is with number LPAIF66/2014. According to…

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September 04, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws AIFLNP authorisation of Horizon Investment Fund Ltd.

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has made a new announcement today regarding the withdrawal of Horizon Investment Fund Ltd's AIFLNP authorisation. Horizon Investment Fund Ltd's authorization is with number LPAIF07/2014. According to the regulator, the Company is dissolved and put into liquidation in accordance with the provisions of article 132 of the Law. The official announcement…

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August 30, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws CIF licence of KIT Finance Brokers Ltd

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has made a new announcement yesterday regarding the withdrawal of KIT Finance Brokers Ltd's CIF authorisation. KIT Finance Brokers Ltd's CIF authorisation number is 365-18 and, according to the regulator, the company has decided to expressly renounce it earlier this week. This announcement has been officially made on 28 August 2019…

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cysec cif license
August 08, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CySEC withdraws CIF and AIFLNP licences of several companies

The Cyprus regulator CySEC has made several announcements yesterday regarding withdrawal of CIF authorisations of several companies. As of August 7, the CIF licences of the companies S.L. Capital Services Ltd, Spot Capital Markets Ltd, DFG Capital (Cyprus) Ltd, Globesco Capital Ltd, have been withdrawn until further notice. CySEC has also announced the withdrawal of…

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