Tag: Forex Black List

December 20, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

France's AMF adds Edge Capital Fund to its Forex Black List

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) and the ACPR have published a list of new websites and entities offering investments on the unregulated foreign exchange (Forex) market in France, without authorisation to do so. Here is the new website recently identified: www.edgecapitalfunds.com / EDGE CAPITAL FUND A list of all unauthorized websites to offer investments…

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May 16, 2014 BY Mike Fox

Russia FX: MMCIS Group entered into TSRFIN "black list"

Here is the press release (translated) from the Russian self-regulatory organization tasked with monitoring FX in mother Russia. Online trading company known as MMCIS Group was added to the black list of companies to avoid doing business with. They violated a number of maxims laid down by the organization...Members of TSRFIN can not use deceptive…

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