Tag: Goldman Sachs

Forex Weekly Look Back
March 27, 2020 BY Steffy Bogdanova

Forex Weekly Look Back: Governments and regulators take measures to counter the corona-crisis

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced yesterday a temporary flexibility for registered funds affected by the recent volatile market situation to borrow funds from certain affiliates and to enter into certain other lending arrangements. The relief is interceded to provide funds with additional tools to manage their portfolios so that all shareholders as investors may…

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Goldman Sacks supports money market funds with $1 billion
March 23, 2020 BY Steffy Bogdanova

Goldman Sachs spends $1 billion to support money market funds

The assistance came as an extraordinary move in the staid money-market fund industry after another week of volatile markets. Goldman’s plans were disclosed to the US Securities and Exchange Commission last Friday. Investors in the US withdrew tens of billions of dollars from prime money-market funds, which buy top-rated corporate debt. Usually, the are tame…

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September 10, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Goldman Sachs and QuantHouse to accelerate market data distribution from SIGMA X MTF platform

QuantHouse, the global provider of end-to-end systematic trading solutions, announced that Goldman Sachs’ SIGMA X MTF market data will be readily accessible from within the QuantHouse API Ecosystem store. SIGMA X MTF is a multilateral trading facility operated by Goldman Sachs (GS), offering deep and diverse liquidity on the basis of non-discretionary crossing with flow…

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July 31, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

CLS launches same-day FX settlement service, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs to try it first

CLS, a market infrastructure group delivering settlement, processing and data solutions, has today launched CLSNow, a bilateral, same-day FX gross payment-versus-payment (PvP) settlement service. J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs are reported to be the first banks to go live on the service. CLSNow enables banks to exchange currency positions with mitigated settlement risk on a…

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July 01, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

Is Goldman Sachs launching their own cryptocurrency?

After JP Morgan's alleged JPM Coin's launch came to life, another major US bank may be thinking of launching its very own digital coin. Goldman Sachs may be following in the footsteps of its biggest competitor. JP Morgan essentially becomes the first major US bank with its very own cryptocurrency. As Leaprate reported: "As reported…

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forex market crypto news and updates
April 16, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Daily Market News: Fed to hold rates steady

Mati Greenspan, Senior Market Analyst at FX broker eToro, has provided his daily commentary on traditional and crypto markets for April 16, 2019. The text below is an excerpt and does not contain the full analysis. Highlights include: Binance De-Lists BSV: Binance announced yesterday that they would de-list BitcoinSV, due to the founder’s threats to…

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