INTL FCStone’s Carsten Hils discusses the impact the current crisis has on FX markets
February 22, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

EU funds blockchain platform IZNES announces its first fundraising

IZNES, the international blockchain record-keeping platform for EU mutual funds powered by SETL’s blockchain technology, has just announced its first fundraising. OFI AM and SETL, the institutional payment and settlement infrastructure provider which uses blockchain technology, have been joined as shareholders of IZNES by five asset management companies, who have participated in the development of…

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January 11, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

SETL and OFI AM process Blockchain transactions on IZNES fund platform

IZNES, the pan-European platform for funds powered by SETL’s blockchain technology, announced that it has now started to process live transactions. OFI Asset Management has successfully used the IZNES system in a series of trials with selected clients. Following the development and integration of the IZNES platform with OFI Asset Management. Other asset managers in…

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September 15, 2017 BY Valentina Kirilova

SETL and four asset management firms to launch Blockchain technology platform IZNES

SETL and four asset management firms announced today the launch of IZNES, the pan-European fund record-keeping platform based on blockchain technology. The platform provides investors, asset management firms, distributors and wealth management advisers with easy and rapid access to fund units. The platform enables firms to enter into new relationships with investors, manage KYC processes,…

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