Tag: Libra

July 08, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

ECB calls for regulatory action regarding Libra

Facebook's ambitious cryptocurrency project called Libra is getting a lot of attention, especially from regulatory point of view. Leaprate recently reported that there are a lot of regulatory bodies now looking at Libra and wondering how this upcoming "global" currency will affect the entire world. One of this not so enamored with the project regulatory bodies…

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July 04, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Facebook’s Libra Project soon to face first major obstacle – U.S. Congress

Whoa, Mark Zuckerberg! The bloom is off the Libra rose! After weeks of hype and never-ending worldwide acclaim, the reality of promoting an independent, global cross-border payment system utilizing cryptos and blockchain technology just came home to roost. Not everyone, especially those in the U.S. government, is wildly enamored with the intriguing Facebook proposal. Democrats…

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Analyst predicts Facebook’s FaceCoin could earn up to $19 billion by 2021
June 22, 2019 BY Mariela Naydenova

France launches G7 crypto task force amidst Libra concerns

Facebook has literally shaken the perception of what cryptocurrencies can do. One of the largest companies in the world by user base and market cap, Facebook is creating its very own cryptocurrency called Libra - a project set to disrupt the way we use and perceive digital coins. Because of the massive impact that Libra…

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Impeachment aftermath - Facts Vs Trump, what’s the Markets bet?
June 19, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Daily Market News: Presidential wake of fluff

Mati Greenspan, Senior Market Analyst at FX broker eToro, has provided his daily commentary on traditional and crypto markets for June 19, 2019. The text below is an excerpt and does not contain the full analysis. One major factor of uncertainty may now be removed from financial markets, possibly paving the way for a prolonged…

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June 18, 2019 BY Valentina Kirilova

Facebook to take on banks, not Bitcoin

Facebook has announced the launch of its Calibra wallet that is backed by the Libra Association, an independent consortium with members such as Visa, Mastercard, Stripe and Coinbase. The association will independently govern and oversee Calibra's bespoke cryptocurrency, Libra—with the digital coin imagined to further a global financial system, this historically marks the social media…

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