Tag: Vaultbank Exchange

March 06, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

Vaultbank Exchange launches in beta, opens security tokens for trading

Vaultbank, the next-generation suite of financial solutions, has announced the beta launch of the Vaultbank Exchange, the first decentralized exchange to allow trading of security tokens. Along with security tokens, Vaultbank supports trading of utility tokens and traditional investment securities like Mutual Funds. The Vaultbank Exchange is the first securities-compliant platform supporting KYC, AML, FATCA,…

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February 01, 2018 BY Valentina Kirilova

Vaultbank announces decentralized investment exchange for security and utility token trading

Vaultbank has announced the upcoming launch of the Vaultbank Exchange, a decentralized utility token and security token supporting exchange. Vaultbank will also run an investment fund that will serve as the main asset-backing for Vaultbank’s (VB) private security token, and the company is currently in negotiations with select major payment processors for a crypto debit…

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